FEATURED PROJECT: Grand Avenue Pedestrian Bridge

Grand Avenue Pedestrian Bridge
The Grand Avenue Pedestrian Bridge is a triple-level steel bridge spanning a highway and a railway line in Everett, Washington. The city of Everett needed a bridge to carry utilities from one side to the other and, additionally, wanted to connect the neighborhood community via walkway to the Port of Everett’s new development at the waterfront. The bridge is ADA compliant with a ramp on the east side and an elevator on the west side.
The only fabricated features on the structure are the top and bottom plate steel box chords. The rest of the bridge is knock-down structural steel: wide flange, channel, angle, and other structural pieces. The entire bridge was built in our shop for fit-verification purposes before being disassembled for delivery to the field. The bridge was then re-assembled along the side of the road, whole, and then elevated and set in place on the two abutments by Oxbo Mega Transport. This process minimized the closure impact on the railway to a brief couple of days.
• Bridge is made from weathering steel
• The project includes approximately 40,000 bolts and weighed a total of 880,000 pounds
• Bridge is 300 feet long, 24 feet high, and 18 feet wide
• TMF fabricated the entire structure, including the cantilevered ramp. Our scope also included the stairs and other infrastructure on the West Tower
• Bridge was fully assembled in the TMF’s shop to verify fit
• Structure is ADA compliant