FEATURED PROJECT: Pipe Racks & Support Steel: Alyeska Pump Station Electrification Project

Alyeska Pump Station Electrification Project
Pipe Racks & Support Steel
Thompson Metal Fab fabricated Pipe Rack Modules & Support Steel for the Alyeska Pump Station Electrification project.
The conceptual engineering for the Alyeska project and reconfiguration of the pipeline was completed in 2002. Eleven alternatives were considered. Electrification of four pump stations and increased automation of the pipeline system was recommended as the most promising option. Preliminary engineering further evaluated this alternative and verified project costs and savings. The project was sanctioned in March of 2004 and detailed engineering began with SNC Lavalin.
TMF was awarded this project at 35% completion of design. We supplied approximately 1,200-tons of fabricated Pipe Rack Modules & Support Steel for Pump stations 1, 3, 4 & 9. Due to successfully maintaining delivery schedules and supplying quality-fabricated steel, TMF was awarded additional steel fabrication work for Pump Station 5.
-All steel was required to be low-temp. Charpy V-Notch 12/15 ft-lbs @ -50F
-All fabricated Pipe Rack Modules and Support Steel were shop assembled to verify fit up before shipping
-Project required over 126 truckloads of material