FEATURED PROJECT: Prefractionator Tower: 1D-101 Replacement

Since the Unicracker Prefractionator Tower 1D-101 was initially placed in service, the internal SS cladding had proved to be inadequate corrosion protection. During an inspection in 2009, significant pitting was found and repairs were made to keep the unit operational until the pre-planned replacement in 2015.
Although Thompson was not the manufacturer of the original vessel, our body of experience gave Phillips 66 the confidence to award TMF the contract to manufacture the replacement. The Prefractionator Tower 1D-101 Replacement stretched 126’-0” long and transitioned in diameter from 10’-6” at the smallest, to 17’-0” at the largest. The vessel was manufactured in three separate sections before being married together in our facility. The vessel shell and heads are made from clad plate (carbon steel on the exterior, 317 stainless on the interior). This provides the necessary strength while also providing the required corrosion protection on the interior. For added protection, a weld overlay was included in the weld zones on the interior of the vessel.
For final acceptance, a leak test was required. To perform the test, nearly 1,000,000 lbs (120,000 gallons) of water was pumped into the vessel. The vessels was then pressurized over a period of time to ensure that all welds were water-tight. All used water was safely collected and disposed of.
When completed, the 200-ton vessel was rolled out of our facility and directly onto a barge by way of our adjacent barge slip.