FEATURED PROJECT: Sea-Tac IAF Pedestrian Bridge

Sea-Tac IAF Pedestrian Bridge
As part of Sea-Tac’s International Arrivals Facility expansion, Thompson Metal Fab was the primary fabricator of the IAF Pedestrian Bridge to connect the satellite terminal to the airport’s main terminal. Priority was placed on minimizing closure of the airport’s tarmac, which runs directly below the bridge.
TMF’s scope on the project included the east side and west side twin V-piers along with the top and bottom box chords for the truss. The fabrication sequencing was complex and required meticulous preplanning, layout, and weld order.
The center section of the bridge was built offsite and installed to the pre-built v-pier structures over a brief 7-day tarmac closure period.
• Use of heavy plate (up to 4-inches thick) and most joints were CJP welds
• Codes adhered to were AWS D1.5, AWS D1.1, and AWS D1.8
• The structures were delivered blast and primed, then finish painted onsite
• The total weight of the TMF components was 1,330 tons