Customer Satisfaction Survey Customer Satisfaction Survey TMF requests you, our customer, to take about 2-minutes of your time to complete a Customer Satisfaction Survey. Completion of this survey will allow us the opportunity to continue to be certified with groups like AISC, ASME and API, among others. Having these certifications are critical to the work we perform, so we’ll thank you in advance for your time to help. In addition, these surveys provide us the basis to develop trends on where we excel, and, where we should seek to improve ourselves. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated! Name*Company*What was the TMF Bid Number on the proposal we submitted -or- what was the project name?*Is this the first time you have received a proposal from Thompson?*YesNoWho was your main point(s) of contact during the bidding process?*How would you rate Thompson's ability to maintain a clear dialogue regarding scope of work?*Very GoodGoodAveragePoorVery PoorIf Poor or Very Poor, please explain why: How would you rate Thompson's competitiveness with regards to pricing?*TMF was lowTMF was competitive (within 5%)TMF was moderately close (within 10%)TMF was not close (within 20%)TMF was off the mark (over 20%)Do you plan on receiving proposals again from Thompson in the future?*YesNoIf yes, what can we do better to earn your business?